Step-by-Step Instructions for EM Fansites

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How do I create a fansite?

  1. Step 1: Register HERE.
  2. Step 2:Confirm your registration by clicking on the link sent to your email address.
    Note: You MUST confirm your account in order to login.
  3. Step 3: Login to your account via the "Confirmation Success" page, OR you can access your account area via the "MEMBERS" link located in the EM top nav.
  4. Step 4: Choose "Fansite(s)" from the Editor's Tools nav.
  5. Step 5: Click on "Create a Site" and fill out the fields. Don't miss the category designation on the right side.
    If you do not have a logo, leave the field blank and upload one later. Graphical explanations for each of the fields can be seen by clicking on the question marks (?).
  6. Step 6: Submit! Once you have created your fansite, you can start filling it out with news, pics, videos, polls, etc. by clicking on the applicable button on the left.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Make A Fansite

How do I post an article?

  1. Step 1: Login to your account by clicking on the "MEMBERS" link on the top (black) nav, or on the "LOGIN" link located underneath the right side of the top banner ad.
  2. Step 2: Once logged in, access your account area by clicking on either the "MEMBERS" link OR the "Editor's Tools" link located on the top (black) nav.
  3. Step 3: Select the "My Articles" blue button on the left side nav to access ARTICLE MANAGEMENT.
  4. Step 4: Select the fansite where your article will appear from the dropdown menu.
  5. Step 5: Click on the "New Article" link.
  6. Step 5: Fill out the fields and click on the question marks (?) for helpful graphics and explanations for each field.
  7. Step 6: When all applicable fields are filled out, click on PREVIEW and check your article for errors or problems.
  8. Step 7: Once you are satisfied, click on SUBMIT.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Post Articles

How do I put a picture within my articles?

  1. Step 1: Find a picture you want to use, and make sure it is a proper size for your article.
  2. Step 2: Follow the steps on how to post an article (above).
  3. Step 3: Above the content field, click on the link that says Embed Image/Image Management. A window will pop-up.
  4. Step 4: In the Image Management window, click on the link that says Upload Image.
  5. Step 5: Click on the "browse" link and find the picture on your computer where you saved it.
  6. Step 6: Once your picture appears in the Image Management window, click Upload.
  7. Step 7: When the tool says "Success," click on Finished, then Next.
  8. Step 8: Find your image and copy the code by highlighting it and pressing ctrl "c".
  9. Step 9: Back in the Article Management tool, paste the image code into the content section by pressing ctrl "v".
  10. Step 10: If you want your text to wrap around the image, you can add (align="left") to the code.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Add Images To Your Articles

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Create/Manage PICTURE Galleries For Your Fansite

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Create/Manage VIDEO Galleries For Your Fansite

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Add Video To An Article

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Create Featured Content

How do I load my own logo onto my fansite?

  1. Coming Soon!

How do I upload my ad-code?

Tutorial coming soon! But its not hard. Check it out in your member account area and you can probably figure it out.