Fantastic Four Cartoon returns to Cartoon Network & DVD

Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes Volume 1, a collection of four episodes, will be released on DVD on March 27.
Episodes of the Fantastic Four animated series will be released on DVD this spring, and Marvel Studios' Eric J. Rollman told The Continuum that he anticipates the show will return to Cartoon Network shortly thereafter.

Fantastic Four debuted on Cartoon Network in September, but was abruptly pulled from the Saturday night Toonami schedule after seven episodes had aired. Cartoon Network did not comment on the schedule move, leading to speculation the show had been canceled.

That's not the case, Rollman said.

"It just went on hiatus," Rollman said. "We just wanted to put it on the air, the seven episodes initially just to sort of get a teaser out there, knowing that 2007 is sort of the year of Fantastic Four."

With Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer due in theaters on June 18, Rollman said he expects the animated series to be back in May or June.

Rollman said he has been pleased with the work of animation studio Moonscoop on the series.

"These guys have really stepped up to the plate and have created a visually arresting show that is an interesting modern-retro thing," he said. "It's like a modern approach to animation because it's got a nice blend of 2D and 3D with the whole sort of retro feel of the design. I feel is that it's a stunning show to look at."

Episodes will include "Doomed," "Hard Knocks," "World's Tiniest Heroes" and "De-Mole-Ition."

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