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Xbox 360 To Be Most Reliable Video Game Console?

Bill Gates speaks with the BBC regarding the Xbox 360, and its reliablity issues.
Bill Gates has never really spoken out about the issues plaguing the Xbox 360 (can you say 3RLOD?) until now.

Speaking with the BBC, Gates revealed that Microsoft is now determined to make the Xbox 360 console the most reliable gaming hardware for consumers. "Well, we certainly had to apologize to our uses about a number of boxes that had to be replaced," said Gates. "We did that for free for all of those people, we've gotten a lot of positive feedback about the way we handled it."

"We've got incredible reliability on the new work we've done," he continued. "Our commitment is that it will be the most reliable video game box out there. People really love the Xbox because of the content, but we've got to make sure that the hardware never stands in the way of that."
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