Epic Looking For GEARS OF WAR Feedback
A new survey has popped up on the official site. One would assume that the feedback will be used for the upcoming Gears of War 2.
Epic Games is asking for feedback from fans of its hit Xbox 360 shooter Gears of War. A new survey about the game is available on the official website.
According to reports, the original page/title graphic was titled "Gears of War 2 Survey", but it appears to have been changed to "Survey". Note however that the browser page title still uses "Gears of War - GOW2 Survey".
Among the questions are: "What's the best OMG moment from Gears 1?", "Which Delta Squad member would you want to have your back?", "What's the toughest battle in Gears 1?", "What's the one weapon no Delta Squad Member should be without?", "Which multiplayer mode dominates your time online?".
"Voting rocks," the intro reads. "Now it's time for Gearheads all across this great land of ours (you know, the Internet) to raise their Lancers high and let their voices be heard."
Head over to the official site to tell them what you think!
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