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Gears Of War 2 Multiplayer Details Surface

10-person online multiplayer, 12 maps, and multiple finishing moves are in store for Gears of War 2!
According to the June 2008 UK-based issue of X360 Magazine, Gears of War 2 will feature 10-person online multiplayer, 12 bundled maps, and multiple finishing moves.

The early Xbox 360 preview promisises Gears of War 2 multiplayer will feature "Halo-style" matchmaking, access to a flamethrower, and chainsaw duels, which we saw in the original Gears of War 2 GDC announcement.

Multiplayer modes for Gears of War 2 include an updated version of "Assassination," where players try to knock off the leader of the opposing team to win the match; "Wingman," where two players team up to control a single character while competing against four other teams; and "Meatflag," a new take on capture-the-flag where the flag itself is a wondering, hostile enemy which must be knocked down, then escorted back to base to score.

According to X360, Gears of War 2 is 65 percent complete.
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