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Battlefield Bad Company Demo Available On Xbox Live!

For those that didn't get early access to the demo via pre-order, you can now download the demo on Xbox Live!
The battlefield awaits in this innovative next-generation shooter and now you can get a taste of all the single-player and multiplayer action with the Battlefield: Bad Company demo. While the demo releases June 5 on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, some got a sneak peek of the game by pre-ordering the title, and got to play the demo a full week ahead of everybody else.

The demo reveals how the game's tactical destruction will change the way shooters are played, and it features both single-player and multiplayer modes. You can get an early look into Bad Company's Quest for Gold by playing solo, or go online and try out the new Gold Rush mode on the Oasis map, highlighting land, sea, and air vehicles. And, if you reach Rank 4 in the demo, you'll unlock an exclusive in-game weapon.

The demo weighs in at 1.5GB, so get it started before you head to bed!
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