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Bad Company Demo Impressions

We spent a few hours with the Battlefield: Bad Company demo that was recently released on Xbox Live.
Being pretty big Battlefield fans, we were super excited, and couldn't hardly wait for the demo to finish downloading ... It took a while due the file size (1.5 GB), but it was worth the wait.

We were glad to see that the Battlefield: Bad Company demo included both a single player and multiplayer option in the demo. We spent the majority of our time in multiplayer playing the "Gold Rush" mode, which is actually the only multiplayer game type available in the demo, as well as there only being one map.

What did we like? During the select/spawn screen you are able to see exactly which weapons were mapped to which bumpers, as well as what your primary and secondary weapons are, etc. While not necessarily new for first-person shooters, the layout and navigation is well done.

The other thing that we really liked is that while waiting to spawn, you can select whether you want to spawn by a squad member, or in a general location/base.

The huge open environments are a nice change of pace as well from some of the other first-person shooters we've been playing, although having a few more vehicles around to get from point a to point b would have spead things up.

Read the full write-up here!
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