The third installment in the Madagascar franchise will be coming out this upcoming Summer. The first trailer for it is here, so hit the jump to see it!
thecreeper - 12/9/2011
A brand-spankin new trailer for the live-action film based off the famous board game, Battleship has been released! Hit the jump to see the new badass trailer!
thecreeper - 12/9/2011
A new television spot for this year's John Carter of Mars has hit Youtube! Hit the jump to see lots of new action-packed footage!
thecreeper - 12/1/2011
The sequel to 'Journey to the Center of the Earth', Journey 2: The Mysterious Island has a new trailer! Hit the jump to see it.
thecreeper - 11/21/2011
With The Muppets hitting the big screen Wednesday, Movie Web caught up with the human actors and the Muppets for some interviews!
thecreeper - 11/21/2011