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ecksmanfan reviews She's Out of My League

How does this film hold up against other "Bromance" films?
One of the latest crazes to hit the theaters over the last few years has been the "Bromance" movie. With films like "The Wedding Crashers," "The Hangover" and "Superbad" in this category, there's some pretty fierce competition and it's hard to come up with something original. The formula is quite simple, we get to see how the guys handle the ups and downs of a relationship as well as the inclusion of "potty" humor. That's where the problem comes in; most film makers feel that the addition of swear words and gross humor is all you need and it will make money. It might make a bit of money, but the film usually falls short. Luckily we have movies like this one, where you have a great combination of humor and actors and a decent story.

The film follows Kirk (Baruchel), a TSA agent who has just broken up with his girlfriend, who happens to live with his family. When Molly (Eve) leaves her phone at the security check point, she has Kirk meet her to drop the phone off. A bit of a relationship forms and Kirk, along with his friends and family, begin to question why she is interested in him. The story as a whole is rather simple and predictable, but it is well written and has some great dialogue through out the film. The ending is rather anti-climatic, but it at least has some closure.

The cast is phenomenal and includes some great characters. The two leads have great chemistry and play off each other quite well. However, it is the side characters that really steal the show here. The interactions with the family and friends are hilarious and will induce a fit of belly laughter without a doubt.

Not a whole lot to discuss here, but it's a funny film and is worth checking out. It goes along well with "Superbad" and "Pineapple Express," If you enjoyed those films, then give this one a try, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Grade: B
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