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Taken 2 in the Works?

Liam Neeson says that a sequel to the surprise hit Taken may have a sequel on the way.

Although the film Taken was full of plot holes and consisted of rather questionable stories and characters, it was a fun film to watch and as MTV News Editor Kyle Anderson puts it, "It's all about watching Liam Neeson shoot half of France in the face."

So when you hear Liam Neeson say something to the effect of "making a Taken sequel is challenging because it is 'hard to get a plot that will be believable.'"

Neeson also says that he will be meeting with producer Luc Besson later this month to hammer out some details and see if they can put something together.

ecksmanfan: Now, I like to think that I enjoyed "Taken" as much as the next guy, but I don't think I'm going to far in saying that it probably doesn't deserve or warrant a sequel. This idea just furthers the ill-conceived notion that just because a film makes money now days, it needs a sequel. I really wish Hollywood would pull their heads out of each others cornices and not do this stuff any more.
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MTV Movies Blog

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