Ghost Rider Set Reports Roll In

More thunder from Down Under as scoopers talk about the filming of the Ghost Rider film.
Here's another set report from director Mark Steven Johnson's Ghost Rider film, now filming in Melbourne, Australia.

The film stars Nic Cage, Wes Bentley, Eva Mendes, Sam Elliott, Peter Fonda and others.
"A mate of mine and I went down to the Lt Lonsdale Street set to see the crew set up all the various equipment. We were there for about an hour and a half before we recognised any familar faces, like Mark Steven Johnson and Bennett Walsh.

"I overheard Bennett Walsh mention that Ghost Rider would turn left into the alleyway, to begin the scene, and just where the camera should be postioned.

"We also had the stunt cycle ride past us, and man is it loud! It's low ridden, with a huge front end and exhaust on the rear. I'm not into motorcycles, but do I LOVE this bike!

"We saw a stand-in in a large black trenchcoat, whose job it was to stand in the middle of the alleyway of the set, facing the bike. He was dressed in denim jeans, the trenchcoat and black shirt. I'm thinking he was the stand-in for either Blackheart or Caretaker, but I cannot be sure.

"Also we saw all the crew's tags which allow them access onto the set. The Ghost Rider logo is the same as the 1990's GR comic book logo. Nice!"
Another report comes from the SPAA Conference and can be seen here.

The movie will be out in early 2006.
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