Routh Says Time is Right for Superman

Plus, Warner Bros. unveiled an omnibus site promoting all things Superman video-related.
Brandon Routh, star of the upcoming Superman Returns, says the timing is right for the return of the Man of Steel after 23 years’ absence from the big screen.

"There's danger, there's action, and there's all these things happening, so Superman comes back at the right time," he told NBC.

Meanwhile, the Iowa native is anticipating the effect of celebrity. "I go a little bit incognito, I guess, to some extent, but I'm not as recognizable as I will be in the summer certainly," he said. Waiting for the movie goers’ response is tough: "It is a little bit nerve wracking, but I'm fairly happy with what we created back in Australia," he said.

You can read the entire interview here.

And, Warner Home Video now has a Web site promoting "The Year of Superman," including history of the last Kryptonian, details on the movie and the upcoming DVD releases. There's also a Superman Franchise Trailer. Check it out here.
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