Christian Bale Tightlipped on Terminator

Interviewed at ShoWest in Las Vegas last week by Entertainment Weekly, Christian Bale was tightlipped about the upcoming Terminator project. Take the jump for what did make it passed his lips.
He doesn’t have a reputation for spilling the beans on those pictures he is working on, but because it’s Christian Bale, we don’t really mind. Here’s the relevant part of the long and ill-reported interview;

Where are you in the Terminator process right now?
There are some wonderful people who have been brought in, and we are working to re-create that world.

Do you have a script?
We're in the process of doing that, we're working on that, et cetera.

Do you have a sense of when Terminator is going to start or how long it's going to take?
I got a sense of it, but, you know, it's important to make sure that you start a movie when you're ready, instead of just starting it on a date, regardless. And so we'll start when we're ready.

Bale also had a bit to say on the upcoming sequel to Batman Begins, the Dark Knight, click here for the full story over at Comic Book Movie.
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