Quinto Assures Us New Trek Will Honor Original

The evil maniacal Sylar from the hit TV show Heroes will be playing our ever favorite Vulcan in J.J. Abrams addition to the Star Trek universe, and he has assured us all that it will be staying true to the original television series.
"It was done with real heart and real respect and a real effort to honor the origins of this franchise, while at the same time sort of re-imagining those origins," Quinto said in an interview. "People have been enormously supportive of me playing this role and of our making this movie. We're all really excited about it."

This comes as a relief to many of us who have had to weather Star Trek Nemesis and Insurrection, not to mention the almost complete failure of the last TV series, Star Trek Enterprise.

There has been a lot of rumor as to just what form the movie will take, with some suggesting that there will be a retconning of the universe, allowing for a fresh future. Whether any of this is true, or if it will just be the basic prequel story that we’ve been told it will be, either way, I can’t wait to see what J.J. Abrams has done with the film.
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