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Half Hour Wasted is a weekly 30 minute podcast about comic books, movies, TV and more. Due to lack of organization and self-control the show sometimes runs over 30 minutes. They seriously considered changing the name of the show, but they already bought the URL and had a bunch of business cards made.
E-Mail - Voicemail (972) 798-3830

The Legion of Dudes Podcast boasts a seven-member roster of comic, movie, television, and gaming devotees with a keen eye for analysis and review

The dead continue to rise as the Blackest Night spreads across the universe. Half Hour Wasted's Frank A. Rincon and the Legion of Dudes' Ken and Adam join forces to dicuss the latest installment, and catch up on all the tie-in books that have released over the past month. Don't forget your boomstick!
hhwlodadmin - 9/20/2009