Batman 2 Update: Ryan Phillipe as Two-Face?

Also, the Penguin is unofficially confirmed for Chris Nolan's sequel.
Batman-on-Film says a Warner Bros. insider has confirmed the Joker and the Penguin will be the main villains of the sequel to Batman Returns.

"I can confirm (as I did a few weeks ago) that while an offer has been made to Heath Ledger, Ledger has not signed any deal, and is reluctant to do so (at the moment.) Ledger is not a lock," the source says. "It seems Nolan has been listening to you guys when it comes to casting his other villain, however. I can confirm that an offer has been made to Phillip Seymour Hoffman for the role [of the Penguin]. Yet Hoffman has indicated that he may not get involved in the sequel."

Earlier rumors had the Penguin being a British arms dealer/mob boss with his eyes on Gotham's underworld.

Meanwhile, the insider added that Ryan Phillipe may be inline to play Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne's district attorney friend who becomes Two-Face after being horribly scarred by an industrial accident.
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