Dark Horizons - About the Film Adaptation of the Comic

Daredevil: The January 2003 issue of International Cinematographers Guild magazine had a few insights on the film adaptation of the comic when they talked with DOP Ericson Core. Seems that in order to "reflect the spiritual darkness that Daredevil lives w
Daredevil: The January 2003 issue of International Cinematographers Guild magazine had a few insights on the film adaptation of the comic when they talked with DOP Ericson Core. Seems that in order to "reflect the spiritual darkness that Daredevil lives with", the cinematographer used the same bleach bypass process he used in "Payback" and "187" to make all the shots optically darker. Lighting techniques are also used such as "he's half-lit in the coffee shop scenes, but when Elektra walks in the light level goes up, as if he's finding new reason to live". More general information was at hand including that Bullseye seems to prefer long-distance sniper-style attacks, whilst Kingpin's office is all chrome, glass and marble which "renders Daredevil truly blind because the sonic reflections of the room are so high that it completely whites out his personal radar - that's until he figures out a way around the problem". Thanks to 'Jeff'.
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Dark Horizons