Blade 3 Script Review Online

Creature Corner has a very positive review up for the script of Blade III - "Trinity", the third installment in the series. Get it all at the link.
Written by: David S. Goyer
Dated: March 26, 2003

Be Warned: There are a few spoilers.

Being the Marvel Comics kid I was as a wee lad it's a wonder how characters like Blade, Hannibal King, and Drake didn't attract my attention earlier. One reason could be because Marv Wolfman's creations lived out their pulp existences in comic shops everywhere a bit before my time. Nevertheless, a familiarity with Hannibal and Drake would have most likely amplified the growing excitement I felt with each page turn of Goyer's upcoming (final) installment of New Line's 'Blade' franchise. You see, these two characters, like Blade himself, are deeply rooted in Marvel's 'Tomb of Dracula' comics and, as with the first two installments of the 'Blade' films, Goyer has lifted these characters from the illustrated page to give them a reverent interpretation for the big screen.

When 'Blade' hit the scene with its blood-caked imagery, slick vision, and overall wicked sensibilities it was safe to say that I was overwhelmed. So much so...I saw it twice in one day (once at a matinee, the second time to bring a few apprehensive friends along). 'Blade II' was not so much a step down or sideways but an express elevator up. The combination of Goyer's script and Guillermo del Toro's action/horror savvy eye (with the help of the Reapers) made 'Blade II' an utter fave in my book. Saw that one twice at the theater too. 'Blade III' is a smart, natural business move on New Line's behalf. Not only has David Goyer been talking trilogy since day one of his Blade venture, but New Line would be insane to turn down another chance at bringing Wesley in for another vampire slaughter epic.

At first the rumors began to flood in that Goyer intended to give the third 'Blade' a, what sounded like, 'I Am Legend' vibe: Blade has significantly lost his battle against the vampires and they now rule the earth holding mortals in concentration camps. To me that just felt too goddamn broad not to mention a bit uninspired for this character's journey. Eventually, Goyer forwent that idea opting to develop a new incredibly satisfying concept.

'Blade III' is a finale befitting of our favorite Daywalker.

This tale opens as the previous two have begun...vampires up to no good. The vampire higher ranks (Danica, Asher, Grimwood) are resurrecting something fierce in the deserts of Iraq. Something to lead them into the light of day without all those nasty repercussions. That something is the creature popularly known as Dracula. The first. The one who started it all. But make no mistake, he may have been known as Dracula...once...but that legend we're all familiar with is all but a minuscule notch in this creature's history. He's animalistic. He's been around for centuries and, boy, does he have a few tricks up his sleeve, as do the vampires who have called him to the surface. They intend to give a sample of his blood a biological breakdown to see what elements allow him to survive in daylight. Cracking the code will fully realize the grand scheme Deacon Frost intended to carry out in the first 'Blade.'

Our vampire hunter, on the other hand, is going through a rough patch. Vampires are ingratiating themselves into positions of power thereby placing Blade in the public eye making him and Whistler wanted men. When the Feds carry out a massive raid on Blade's newest hide-out, Whistler goes out with a bang leaving our Daywalker in the hands of the authorities. Alone. Sans his beloved father figure. For good this time. But companionship quickly arrives in the form of the Nightstalkers led by the wisecracking former-vamp Hannibal King and his team that consists of Abigail (Whistler's niece), Dex, and Sommerfield. This group of vampire hunters (apparently there are Nightstalker sleeper cells situated throughout the country) spring Blade from his federal confines to aid him in the final fight against the bloodsuckers. The Nightstalkers have their own big plan - a biological weapon - one to wipe the fanged menace off the face of the earth, but with the advent of Drac's return (actually, he's going by the name Drake in the script) they need Blade's help.

That's about as far as I'm taking this plot description. You've already learned too much, dear reader, and before I spew much more let me just give you a straight-up opinion on the script.

Goyer's a talented writer. That's an understatement. The man knows how to [frick]in' write, he knows how to keep the story flowing. He's not someone who describes an action scene with endless pages of narrative. The guy's to-the-point. Descriptive. And I'll be honest, by page twenty I was so disappointed with how 'Blade III' had begun I was ready to follow through with a declaration I had made earlier that I was going to stop reading scripts (I'm taking it all back). There's a lot of conventional 'Blade' moments recycled here. We've got the car chase, the child-held-hostage scenario as Blade and the baddie face off, and even the big WWF-like finale brawl to end all brawls.

But that's okay 'cause it all works. By page 70 I was more than pleased by the turns Goyer was taking with the story.

Sure, there's a feeling that much of the story is more of the same but that's what you get with a sequel. Now it's all a matter of: can the action/horror be amped up and is there room for progression in the development of the character? In this case...yes and yes. There's an on-foot chase I'm dying to see play out on screen. And Blade shows a bit of vulnerability I don't think we've seen before. As if Whistler's fatal exit isn't enough, a unique perspective on the Drac character is drawn from the usual tried and true lore, but one that fits and makes sense in the world of Blade that Goyer has crafted over the years. I'd also love to go into detail on the Rottweillers, but that's really spoiling the fun. Just know that they're Fangoria cover material for sure.

A sore point I hope is remedied before principal photography begins concerns Abigail who needs to be strengthened substantially. I feel Goyer has tossed in another strong female type here only to counter Nyssa in 'Blade II.' While he has no problems molding warrior types, Goyer lacks the ability to draw likable feminine personalities unless their wicked seductresses. Blade may have found an equal in Nyssa, but she was stale as all hell. Abigail is a few steps shy from being a downright carbon copy.

These days a lot of writers set out on film endeavors with the intention of creating a trilogy, in the end though, they get weak in the knees and skimp out on the ultimate payoff. 'Blade III' achieves its purpose, to bring a hero's journey to an exciting end. Leave it to Goyer - who happens to be d
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