Step-by-Step Instructions for EM Fansites
Step-By-Step Tutorials
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Fansite List
How do I create a fansite?
- Step 1: Register HERE.
- Step 2:Confirm your registration by clicking on the link sent to your email address.
Note: You MUST confirm your account in order to login.
- Step 3: Login to your account via the "Confirmation Success" page, OR you can access your account area via the "MEMBERS" link located in the EM top nav.
- Step 4: Choose "Fansite(s)" from the Editor's Tools nav.
- Step 5: Click on "Create a Site" and fill out the fields. Don't miss the category designation on the right side.
If you do not have a logo, leave the field blank and upload one later. Graphical explanations for each of the fields can be seen by clicking on the question marks (?).
- Step 6: Submit! Once you have created your fansite, you can start filling it out with news, pics, videos, polls, etc. by clicking on the applicable button on the left.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Make A Fansite
How do I post an article?
- Step 1: Login to your account by clicking on the "MEMBERS" link on the top (black) nav, or on the "LOGIN" link located underneath the right side of the top banner ad.
- Step 2: Once logged in, access your account area by clicking on either the "MEMBERS" link OR the "Editor's Tools" link located on the top (black) nav.
- Step 3: Select the "My Articles" blue button on the left side nav to access ARTICLE MANAGEMENT.
- Step 4: Select the fansite where your article will appear from the dropdown menu.
- Step 5: Click on the "New Article" link.
- Step 5: Fill out the fields and click on the question marks (?) for helpful graphics and explanations for each field.
- Step 6: When all applicable fields are filled out, click on PREVIEW and check your article for errors or problems.
- Step 7: Once you are satisfied, click on SUBMIT.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Post Articles
How do I put a picture within my articles?
- Step 1: Find a picture you want to use, and make sure it is a proper size for your article.
- Step 2: Follow the steps on how to post an article (above).
- Step 3: Above the content field, click on the link that says Embed Image/Image Management. A window will pop-up.
- Step 4: In the Image Management window, click on the link that says Upload Image.
- Step 5: Click on the "browse" link and find the picture on your computer where you saved it.
- Step 6: Once your picture appears in the Image Management window, click Upload.
- Step 7: When the tool says "Success," click on Finished, then Next.
- Step 8: Find your image and copy the code by highlighting it and pressing ctrl "c".
- Step 9: Back in the Article Management tool, paste the image code into the content section by pressing ctrl "v".
- Step 10: If you want your text to wrap around the image, you can add (align="left") to the code.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Add Images To Your Articles
Don't know how to save an image? If you've found an image that you like, you can Right-Click and select "Save Picture As" to save the picture to your computer.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Create/Manage PICTURE Galleries For Your Fansite
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Create/Manage VIDEO Galleries For Your Fansite
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Add Video To An Article
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Create Featured Content
How do I load my own logo onto my fansite?
- Coming Soon!
How do I upload my ad-code?
Tutorial coming soon! But its not hard. Check it out in your member account area and you can probably figure it out.