Review: CLANDESTINE #1 - Marvel Comics

The Destine clan is back as writer and artist Alan Davis returns to the super hero family he created in the 90’s.
This first issue of CLANDESTINE dives right into the life of the Destine family who live at Ravenscroft in a small England town. This new series starts is already promising a big story with twists and intrigue.

Young twins Rory and Pandora want to be the crime fighters Crimson Crusader and Imp, but they are being forced to lead normal lives. Their whole family is filled with superhuman siblings who have been hiding their lineage in order to survive. As the family is trying to get along with each other a sinister force is at work to add further dysfunction to their world. A man known as Twelfth Red who is part of a larger guild may have uncovered the Destine Clan’s secrets due to actions of the twins.

Alan Davis first introduced the Destine clan in 1994 and is here again continuing with the story and the art.

Now I must admit that I was unfamiliar with the Destine family. Doing a little research and reading this first issue of Clandestine I was quite taken by this immortal clan. Their life is indeed intriguing, but there are a lot of characters to get to know. Anyone just picking up the series for the first time might want a more detailed back-story, which I did. As we are only getting a few hints of their past and I’m hoping there’s more to come with issue #2.

Overall it's a strong promising start and I give Clandestine 4 Mighty Fists out of 5.

4 Strong Fists

On a side note I did find that Marvel is releasing a collection of all the Clandestine stories and series in the CLANDESTINE FAMILY PREMIERE which could come in handy getting all caught up.

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