Elizabeth Mitchell Cast as Erica Evans in New "V"
According to EW's Brian Ausiello, actress Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet from Lost) has joined the cast of "V".
According to the story, Mitchell is only going to be a "guest star" in the pilot. Admittedly this is only supposition on Visitor Among Us' part, but it would seem that this "guest star" status is an attempt to throw people off the trail of the fact that a pair of Lost characters are supposed to die and one of them could be Elizabeth's. If the news was that she had indeed been signed as a regular in a potential "V" series, it would spoil the idea that her character on Lost will die. Running with this game of supposition, then it would mean that she has actually been signed to play lead character Erica Evans. Given the fact that Elizabeth was born in 1970, her age would certainly be right for Erica, who has been described as being 38. We'll have to see how this one plays out.
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