At ABC'S Upfronts today, network president Steve McPherson discussed "V", which is planned to serve as "event" programming that will potentially be spread out over four seasons. "At this point," he explains, "we believe the show will be four parts, with each consisting of anywhere from 13 to 22 episodes. We want to craft a whole series. It will have a beginning, middle and end."
In this photo and the clip below, Erica Evans (Elizabeth Mitchell) and her son, Tyler (Logan Huffman), are among those who witness first contact with the Visitors. Whereas the original had the alien leader John addressing the world via a global television broadcast, in this take on the material Anna projects herself as a holographic image in the sky. In all, it's a pretty effective introduction (though one does wonder what all the applause is about at the end of the clip).
The following clip highlights the moment when television journalist Chad Decker (Scott Wolf) pretty much sells his soul to the devil by giving in to Anna and the Visitors' demands that they be presented in the best possible light. This he does because he believes it will further his career.