Best Sci Fi Prez: McCain or Obama?

Sci Fi Wire puts the candidates to the test against 10 classic genre movie threats!
MICHAEL MARANO took a handful of the greatest science fiction movies and hypothesized how the two major party presidential hopefuls would handle those cinematic scenarios.

1. Escape From New York
Candidate best suited: Obama

2. Superman II
Candidate best suited: McCain

3. Independence Day
Candidate best suited: McCain

4. Fail Safe
Candidate best suited: Obama

5. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Candidate best suited: McCain

6. The X-Men films
Candidate best suited: Obama

7. Mars Attacks!
Candidate best suited: McCain

8. Escape From L.A.
Candidate best suited: Obama

9. The Simpsons Movie
Candidate best suited: McCain

10. Idiocracy
Candidate best suited: Obama

So, with a tie, Marano was unable to resolve the question of who would make the best Sci Fi president. But you can read his explanations for the choices he made and decide for yourself if he's being fictionally responsible. Just click the link below. And remember to vote--for real!
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