TYT Network offers up this video report which discusses the fact that The Avengers has already grossed over $1 billion, though there is a bit of a Debbie Downer there with some negative views of the film — which he's entitled to, even though he's wrong.
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While being interviewed at the London premiere for Snow White and the Huntsman, actor Chris Hemsworth was asked about Thor 2, which is currently in development. He responded that the film is making him a "little nervous" for a specific reason.
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Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart were among those attending the London premiere of their film Snow White and the Huntsman, and what follows are a variety of videos covering the event and interviewing the actors. The film opens on June 1st.
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The film commission of Albuquerque, New Mexico has issued a press release that looks back at the production of Joss Whedon's The Avengers there, noting how the city moved up to meet the challenges of the film's needs.
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The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Jon Favreau to get an update on Iron Man 3, which he'll be producing as he did The Avengers. During the conversation he also discussed Revolution, the NBC series he directed the pilot of.
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