As anyone who has seen The Avengers is well aware at this point, one of the tags at the end of the film features the Marvel Comics villain Thanos, which both Kevin Feige and Joss Whedon discussed during press interviews.
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In this interview with Bloomberg Television, Marvel's Kevin Feige discusses the next five films coming from Marvel, and also comments on such franchises as Spider-Man and X-Men held by other studios.
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Scarlett Johansson is stripping off her black leather for her next role as an alien in the film Under the Skin. Thanks to Ace Showbiz, we've got a first look of her in her role of Laura.
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Tony Gilroy, who wrote the first three Bourne films and directed Michael Clayton, serves as director of Jeremy Renner's new film, this August's The Bourne Legacy. Chatting with The Playlist he previews the film.
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In talking to Businessweek, Disney Chairman Robert Iger sang the praises of the company's over $4 billion purchase of Marvel, which was deemed controversial at the time. With the success of The Avengers... not so much.
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