Following in the footsteps of “Marvel’s The Avengers,” production on the highly anticipated film “Iron Man 3,” directed by Shane Black, has commenced production in Wilmington, North Carolina.
EdGross - 6/4/2012
Filming on Iron Man 3 has begun and the casting process for the film continues, with the latest addition being actor William Sadler - though what role he'll be playing is anyone's guess at this point.
EdGross - 5/26/2012
According to Star News Online, Iron Man 3 has begun production at Wilmington, North Carolina's EUE/Screen Gems Studios, with a reported astronomical budget of $200 million. Of course, with The Avengers' box office, Disney can afford it.
EdGross - 5/24/2012
Has Iron Man along with scientist Thomas Edison and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg actually had a negative impact on American innovation? Apparently that's the real-life theory being floated around according to the Washington Post.
EdGross - 5/22/2012
Through his Twitter account, writer Warren Ellis discusses his feelings about the fact that Iron Man Extremis will be serving as much of the basis of the third Iron Man film, which begins production soon.
EdGross - 5/19/2012