News Archive


An artist named Gideon Slife has taken on the challenge of creating a Lost poster for every episode leading up to the final...
Cassidy - 4/27/2010

Now that you're on the main page for Captain America, please scroll down and check out the gallery on the right to see our sexy patriotic tribute to Cap.
EdGross - 4/27/2010

Tricky Woo is a Canadian indie rock band, based in Montreal. The band consists of vocalist and guitarist Andrew Dickson, guitarist Adrian Popovich, bass guitarist Alex Crowe and drummer Patrick Sayers.
DCF - 4/27/2010

Check out this high res poster for Buried starring Ryan Reynolds!
Wolvie09 - 4/27/2010

What do you get with a bucket of LEGO's, a digital camera and a laptop?
DogsOfWar - 4/26/2010

Take a look at the latest independent film to hit the web.
DogsOfWar - 4/26/2010

Hit the jump for some juicy info on Scream 4.
Ozymandias - 4/26/2010

The sequel might not be dead after all! Plus some of the plot details for the sequel!
Ozymandias - 4/26/2010

Check out the trailer for the fish feeding frenzy
superdog - 4/26/2010

Check out this behind the scenes look at the forthcoming third season of HBO's True Blood.
EdGross - 4/26/2010

The director has two very diverse projects in the works.
DogsOfWar - 4/26/2010

After two seasons the journey ends.
InstigatorGIRL - 4/26/2010

In an exclusive "one question, one answer," The First Avenger: Captain America director turns his attention to the casting of Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull.
EdGross - 4/26/2010

In its five year history, the horror soap opera covered a broad range of story topics, and what follows is a look at its most significant arcs.
EdGross - 4/26/2010

The continuation of my Garth Ennis adaptaion. The unforgivable has happened to the family of Frank Castle and his full rage as been unleashed.
nero - 4/26/2010

The actor, accompanied by clips from the film, discusses the challenges of the new movie.
EdGross - 4/25/2010

See the first Marvel Comics Character to hit the big screen, Captain America!
derekwc - 4/25/2010

Cary Elwes will be reprising his role of Dr. Lawrence Gordon in Saw VII, plus the plot synopis!
Ozymandias - 4/25/2010

The official trailer for "Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage", the long-awaited RUSH documentary produced by Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn of Toronto, Ontario, Canada's Banger Films Inc., can be viewed when you hit the link.
DCF - 4/24/2010

Currently in development is a big-screen version of the '60s soap opera Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp playing vampire Barnabas Collins. For those unfamiliar with the show, Wikipedia has a great overview.
EdGross - 4/24/2010