News Archive


"Newcomer Marcus Johns has joined the cast of Artisan Entertainment's "The Punisher," based on the Marvel comic and written and directed by Jonathan Hensleigh. Johns will play Will Castle, son of Frank Castle/the Punisher." Click the link to read the whol
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/18/2003

After much speculation, rumor and more speculation the Silent Hill Live Action feature is in production, according to the Konami Website.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/18/2003

Two of Hollywood's biggest superheroes are talking about joining forces to capture the "Blair Witch" studio, The Post has learned.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/17/2003

"...And the feel that the production team are going for in terms of look is somewhere between a 30's Gangster epic and anyone of the last four Star Tek movies."
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/17/2003

The Chicago Sun Times reported that
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/17/2003

The Austrailian version of X2's official website has been updated for the DVD release, and there are two nifty commercials, clips and snippets from the FOX and HBO specials...and more! Check it out at the link.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/17/2003

Grand Toys International Signs Spider-Man 2 Deal. Canadian subsidiary, Grand Toys Ltd. has signed a non-exclusive Canadian licensing agreement to distribute Spider-Man 2 Stationary and Back to School items, such as binders, portfolio folders, memo pads, p
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/17/2003

Congratulations to Colin Farrell! According to the nightly news, he's just produced a baby with a model girlfriend. Hey, that's gonna happen when you're such a frisky fellow. Which gal pal did pappy Farrell do the deed with we didn't catch, so stay tuned
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/17/2003

According to Moviehole
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/16/2003

Local scoopers have sent SHH the inside poop on the whereabouts of the current Punisher movie shooting schedule. The Punisher looks to be shooting...

"...yesterday they were filming at a old burger place in Tampa. I was told it looks like a ol
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/16/2003

The Hollywood Reporter has announced that wrestling-star Triple H will join Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds in the David Goyer vampire-flick Blade:Trinity.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/16/2003

WWE Superstar Kevin Nash wanted to flex his acting muscles in the new Punisher movie. Instead, he aggravated a bulging disc in his neck. MORE...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/15/2003

Christian Bale has been cast as Batman, and ever since then, the proverbial floodgates of hell have been opened. The information, whether confirmed or suspected, has been coming at us fast and furiously. has been great at sorting it all
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/15/2003

Peter David, a New York Times bestselling author, has been signed to novelize Spider-Man 2. MORE....
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/15/2003

Patrick Sauriol's Coming Attractions received some additional insider information over the weekend that helps to round out the rumors everyone is hearing about R'as al Ghul being the next villain in Batman:Intimidation Game.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/15/2003

Book publisher Del Rey announced in their Internet newsletter that acclaimed comics and sci-fi writer Peter David will penn their novelization of the Spider-Man 2 movie. Check the link for their Internet newsletter where we got the news.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/14/2003

While the United States (Region 1) will be getting a Special Edition 2-Disc release on October 28th, 2003, the United Kingdom (Region 2) and Australia (Region 4) are getting a 3 disc, Ultra-Limited Special Edition set.

Don't make American consumer
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/13/2003

There's a new official site for the coming Daredevil game from Encore. Unlike the Game Boy Advance version that is based on the movie, this new game is based on the comics. You can check it out at the link below!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/13/2003

Persistent, and hopefully true, rumors abound throughout the Internet about the possible firing of the unholy troika of Jon Peters, J.J. Abrams and Joseph "McG" McGinty from the production of Superman: Last Son of Krypton. IGN's FILMFORCE has done a super
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/12/2003

We knew that Sharon Stone had signed on to play Halle Berry's nemesis in the hotly-anticipated comic book adaption of CATWOMAN, due in 2004. But exactly how "claws-on" was she going to get? Read on...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 9/12/2003