News Archive


The first international poster has hit the web. This version has more buzz about it than did the first one. Still dunno why they feel you need different posters outside the U.S., but hey, the more the merrier. Click the link to see the pic.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 12/9/2004

Look for Namor to swim across the silver screen in three years.
BGough - 12/8/2004

A movie is being planned around The Darkness.
BGough - 12/8/2004

There's word of what the next trailer for the Hellblazer movie adaptation may entail.
BGough - 12/8/2004

Underworld helmer Len Wiseman is reportedly in the running for the spin off X-Men film.
BGough - 12/8/2004

Also, there's word from Shawn (Iceman) Ashmore on whether he'll play Jimmy Olsen.
BGough - 12/8/2004

A poster and new screenshots from the Dark Horse comic-inspired sequel are online.
BGough - 12/8/2004

Here's some details of the first trailer from the movie based on Frank Miller's crime noir classic.
BGough - 12/8/2004

Hear what writer/director David Goyer has in mind for a Blade film spin off.
BGough - 12/8/2004

Sam Raimi's mug isn't usually selected for the cover of major magazines, but lets face it, The Costco Connection doesn't exactly fall into that category. Although, credit where credit is due, the "buy bulk" store's December issue did a fair intervi
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 12/6/2004

A teaser poster for the next installment of Batman movies has hit the web. Check it out!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 12/5/2004

According to the Comics Continuum, we'll get our first glimpse of the Fantastic Four movie in the Elektra movie's previews. So, get to the theater on time this time to see the Fantastic Four teaser trailer!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 12/5/2004

Based on Anime and Videogame Properties
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 12/3/2004

Geneon has announced the launch of anime series Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, based on the manga by Satoshi Shiki, for March 1, 2005.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 12/3/2004

Chris Columbus will helm the movie about Namor, Marvel's undersea prince.
BGough - 12/3/2004

You can groove out to the Elektra soundtrack Jan. 11.
BGough - 12/3/2004

You can catch even more vampire-hunting action here!
BGough - 12/3/2004

Director Sam Raimi says the third Spidey film will wrap up its own plot threads rather than be tied to the comic book storylines.
BGough - 12/3/2004

Plus, new reviews from the screener Warner Bros. hosted.
BGough - 12/3/2004

The actor once rumored to be the next James Bond talks about Frank Miller's crime noir film.
BGough - 12/3/2004