News Archive

News has up 8 excellent clips of the critically acclaimed anime movie Spirited Away. Check them out at the link.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/23/2003

With her broken arm in a cast and a big smile on her beautiful face, a brave Halle Berry came marching back into the public eye over the weekend at San Diego's Comic-Con. Check out this clip provided by Extra to find out what she said about how she got he
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/22/2003

Seiniger did the Hulk movie poster, and his poster for Jaws earned him a lot of attention in Hollywood--enough for a personal call from Arnold Schwarzenegger to request one for T3.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/21/2003

Scoopers are sending in some interesting X3 reports from the San Diego Comic-Con. Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman said some stuff about X-Men 3...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/20/2003

Man! Things are happening at Comic-Con now that Hollywood is in the mix. We've got more to report every hour as the scoops keep coming in about Spider-Man 2. For intance, Ain't-It-Cool-News has posted pics of the Doc Ock teaser poster for Spider-Man 2 tha
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/20/2003

A hyped up fan over at SHH got in a good description of day 4 at the Comic-con in San Diego. Sounds like a good bit of fun, and a lot of Spidey scoops for anyone that went. Check it out at the link.!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/19/2003

Chuck the Movieguy talked to Tobey about reports he was actually fired from the Spider-Man 2 movie. Just click on the below link.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/19/2003

We're getting news sent in about the Punisher casting call in Tampa, Florida. Click to link to see what it was like...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/19/2003

Scary Movie 3 will be spoofing several popular movies, the Hulk and the Matrix to name only two...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

To start with, this is the confirmed DVD art that Fox is using for th
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

Mforma Group Inc., today announced that a new mobile game, X-Men 2, based on the hit movie X2: X-Men United, is now available to ALLTEL and Verizon Wireless users...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

The July 25th issue of Entertainment weekly will sport Tobey Maguire on its cover, and a Seabiscuit interview inside.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

More Punisher Casting/Shooting News... "We are looking for a few upscale cars," the casting person said. "If your car is a possibility for the film, we will arrange to take a photo of it."
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

Here's a clue to one of the Puisher movie shooting locations... " of the square buildings at the bottom of the beer can building (400 N Ashley St.) will be modeled into a bar that will be owned by John Travolta's character in the movie."
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

We knew those nasty rumors about the Catwoman movie being killed couldn't be true! After all, what studio in their right mind would pass up Halle Berry in a catsuit? "Catwoman Warner Bros has also now locked down shooting dates for their 1st comic book
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

Blade: Trinity New Line has now confirmed shooting dates. As HNR reported last month The Bridge Studios(featuring the largest special effects stage in North America) is the studio being used and dates of filming are September 21st 2003 - January 4th 2004.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

This FF tidbit from Hollywood North... Fantastic Four Things are looking very likely that FF will be shooting in Vancouver with a January start date being mentioned. We've been told that Mammoth Studios is being looked at very seriously (where Riddick
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

Dark Horizons got sent this rumor by a faithful X3 fan: "At the Society of Composers and Lyricists screening of X2 on Tuesday night, Bryan Singer indicated he had just last week completed his treatment of X3. He also says that he hopes to get a feature fi
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/18/2003

SHH has up an exclusive scoop! The schedule and episode synopsis for MTV's Animated Spider-Man all the way through to August 22nd. You can read the titles and descriptions at the link.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/17/2003

Tobey is hitting the talk show circuit for the upcoming movie "Seabiscuit", opening in theaters next Friday. You can bet that they'll get him to talk about Spidey 2 as well! On Oprah today he said that they were about halfway through filming Spider-Man 2
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 7/17/2003