News Archive


Eric Bana of The Hulk Movie has been making the rounds and is answering all the tough questions. This interviewer asks the question that we all wanted to know... Namely who's doing the nudity, and if it ain't Jennifer Connelly, won't that hurt sale
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/4/2003

Moviehole's interview is the same one as Dark Horizons.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/4/2003

Fellow superhero news site SHH has up an exclusive interview with the star of The Hulk Movie Eric Bana. Here's a bit where he talks about running into Lou Ferrigno. "Eric spoke about meeting Lou Ferrigno on the set of the film: "It was a big thr
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/4/2003

E! Online has posted video interviews of the Hulk cast. You can download them in MPG and REAL at the link.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/4/2003

If you've seen the Finding Nemo movie, then you'll know about another ComicBookMovie that Pixar is putting together. They've done Toys, Bugs, Monsters and Fish and now they are taking on Superheroes... THE INCREDIBLES, directed by Brad (Iron Giant)
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/4/2003

According to Box Office Mojo, X2 finally made $200 million dollars. It ranks as the 17th fastest to reach that money-making mark in movie history. Spidey and Matrix were #1 and #2.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/4/2003

Scientists working to replicate the incredible stickiness of gecko lizard's feet have come up with a sort of tape that could allow people to climb, superhero-style, on glass ceilings and walls.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

Watching a seated Kelly Hu deliver impassioned, sometimes raunchy takes on female s
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

We were sent this press release about the Soundtrack, and it looks like the Hulk wil ROCK!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

At a recent "Hulk" press junket, Nick Nolte sat down to talk to the members of the media in a roundtable format interview. WARNING - SPOILERS!!!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

An interesting article focusing upon the SFX of X2...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

A scooper over at Superhero Hype sent in this great interview wit
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

Surfing the web all day does pay off! I found this neato website that has a ton of Trigun images. Check it out!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/3/2003

"Director Ang Lee made a surprise appearance, telling the reporters that Universal and all those involved in producing "The Hulk Movie" gave him everything he needed, "all the money I needed to make this the way I wanted to make it." So, Lee said, "If the
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/2/2003

Sci Fi Channel is doing a TV Special dedicated
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/1/2003

E! Entertainment television featured a behind-the-scenes segment on the Hulk movie in which they talked to the ILM effects team and showed new footage from the movie. Click on the link to see it.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 5/31/2003

"Screenwriter John Turman may be a kind of unsung hero of the comics-to-film movement. He's been writing and pitching comic-based fare for Hollywood well ahead of the boom of the last five years..."
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 5/31/2003

Hometown news reports about their local boy Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) making it big in hollywood. Of course, there's even more interest about his movie romance with Anna "Rogue" Paquin.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 5/31/2003

Kelly Hu, the X2 hottie from Honolulu, is shoc
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 5/31/2003

Here's a little ditty (X2 movie review) fro
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 5/31/2003