News Archive


Bill Gates speaks with the BBC regarding the Xbox 360, and its reliablity issues.
NateBest - 1/14/2008

Over the last few months there have been a slew of reports coming in about Wiis being used for physical rehab, but now it's catching on in PE!
NateBest - 1/14/2008

Earth's Review Corner, where all the reviews you ever wanted will live, begins here, with Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind.
JHill - 1/14/2008

Fresh from the RUMOR MILL: Producers are considering spreading the 776-page Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows over two movies.
PAnthony - 1/14/2008

The cover art for Louise Simonson's adaptation of the upcoming direct-to-DVD animated feature has hit the 'Net.
PAnthony - 1/14/2008

MGM has resurrected the Showtime series Dead Like Me as a direct-to-DVD feature. Whet your appetite for the summer release.
PAnthony - 1/13/2008

The Frontlines: Fuel of War single player demo is now available on Xbox Live!
NateBest - 1/12/2008

Nyko has apparently solved one of the biggest issues surrounding the Nunchuck (that it's wired to another wireless controller) by creating a wireless version, and CES loved it.
NateBest - 1/12/2008

The internet has, surprisingly, gone up in arms over Peter Jackson’s claims that there will be two movies acting as a prequel to his hit smash The Lord of the Rings. Take the jump to find out the real story!
JHill - 1/12/2008

The High School Musical star will invade cinemas for the first time with the sci-fi action comedy, They Came From Upstairs.
PAnthony - 1/12/2008

The Mexican beauty plays a bearded lady in Paul Weitz's adaptation of Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak.
PAnthony - 1/12/2008

Booster Gold tries to save Blue Beetle, Vixen makes a big change, and Catwoman starts her SALVATION RUN!
PAnthony - 1/12/2008

Get caught up on The Sarah Connor Chronicles before this Sunday's premiere!
PAnthony - 1/11/2008

A new still of Robert Downey, Jr. portraying Tony Stark in the upcoming Iron Man blockbuster hits the Web.
Brent Sprecher - 1/11/2008

Turok Pre-Order Demo Disc Now Available At Select Major U.S. Retailers and the official Turok site ( Re-Launches!
NateBest - 1/10/2008

Dates for fresh episodes, the latest guest casting, and new interviews for the CW's hit young Superman series.
PAnthony - 1/10/2008

Forgotten warriors remembered
RSimmons - 1/10/2008

The Golden Globes have fallen, the Oscar’s might be next but, who really cares about them when San Diego Comic-Con might take a similar hit?
JHill - 1/10/2008

Marvel announced today that Ultimate Human #1 (of 4), featuring a pivotal meeting between Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, has sold out at Diamond (though copies may be available at the retail level)...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 1/10/2008

It comes as no surprise that, as a geek, one of my favorite actors is Summer Glau, the warrior/nut-job from the greatest science fiction property, Firefly. Check out what she has to say on her new project, The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
JHill - 1/10/2008