News Archive


When fans of "The Hulk" got their first glimpse of the new, c
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

Universal can't be pleased. Here are just a few of the articles that came about because of the bootleg incident that happend a few days ago.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

Q: Where did you go for inspi
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

Hershey's new green-colored, chocolate- flavored syrup is only one of many food products inspired by this summer's Hulk movie. Other movie tie-ins include Hulk Green Apple-flavor Twizzlers, Hulk-shaped Jolly Rancher Gummies, and Giant Green Bubble Yum Gum
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

"It's a question I always had myself: 'How come his pants always stay on?'" Lee tells "I thought he should be naked."
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

There's nothing particularly menacing about Eric Bana, who
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

There is still some persuading to do, but here's the latest about who is in and who is out of X3--Thanks to the scoopers over at Yahoo and Superhero Hype: "They mentioned that "James Marsden is signed, but producer Lauren Shuler Donner says Ian McKellen a
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/12/2003

Ang Lee, director of the upcoming Marvel Comics film adapt
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

There are rumors floating around the web that the makers of Spider-Man 2 are looking for a young acto
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

Here's your reminder to watch the MTV special tonight on the Hulk Movie. It will repeat thru the month of June. Click the link for the schedule.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

This reviewer felt that, "Vivendi Universal's "Hulk" falls somewhere in the middle. (between Spider-man and Wolverine's Revenge) It's neither a good nor a bad game." Well, reviewers are always ultra-critical. I got it and think it's awesome.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

Yahoo has up some awesome hulk movie clips! There are 6
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

Schamus said the DVD is in capable hands at Universal. "They’ve really raised the bar" for the format, he said. One element that will likely make its way into the disc is a look at the special effects from concept to final product for scenes such as the v
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

It took 69 technical artists, 41 animators, 35 compositors, 10 muscle animators, nine CG modelers, eight supervisors, six skin painters, five motion capture wranglers and three art directors 18 months of painting 100 layers of skin, creating 1,165 muscle
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

Marvel Comics latest comic-turned-matinee-idol won't be limited to the big screen. Look for TV specials, DVD releases and an interactive game looking to capture some of the wave from "The Hulk's" June 20 release.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

Stars of The Hulk movie will be appearing on NBC talk shows before and after the June 20 release of the film. Thus far, Leno will get Eric Bana (hulk), and Josh Lucas (Talbot), and Conan hosts Bana and Jennifer Connelly (betty). Click on the link for more
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

Star Trek TNG's Michael Dorn (Worf) will be the voice of Kraven the Hunter for MTV's upcom
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/11/2003

"Originally, we thought we could do a nude Hulk with ca
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/10/2003

The "Spider-Man" movie - without question Marvel's most successful single project ever
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/10/2003

Premiere Props has up an ebay store and will be selling the props and
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 6/10/2003