News Archive


Fox Home Entertainment has released a copy of the DVD cover art for Fantastic Four: Extended Edition.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/15/2007

The movie will be released July 4th, 2007.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/15/2007

A NEW Spider-Man 3 movie pic seems to show a meteor landing near Peter's Moped....
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/14/2007

It seems Bryan Singer will be pushing back the Superman Returns sequel for the chance to direct an untitled thriller this summer.
CHorlick - 3/14/2007

It's been reported that Jake Gyllenhaal is up for the role of Captain Marvel in New Line Cinema's Shazam! Movie.
CHorlick - 3/14/2007

Check out 6 all-new movie stills from Spider-Man 3.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/14/2007

one of the most unusual directors in hollywood has signed on to bring Aang, Appa, Momo and the gang to the big screen
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/13/2007

With all the buzz around Spider-Man 3, the company continues to reveal bits of info on Peter Parker's return to the small screen.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/13/2007

Dreamworks Animation has plans to release all of their animated films in 3D beginning in 2009.
CHorlick - 3/13/2007

The hunky star of 300, Gerard Butler, is to star in the remake of Escape from New York--taking the role originally played by Kurt Russell
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/13/2007

An action shot from the coming Spider-Man 3 movie showing Spidey getting webbed by Venom! Check it out! Thanks go to David for the head's up.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/13/2007

The 'Subterranean' game trailer is online. Release Date: 5/27/07
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/13/2007

The sequel to one of video gamings biggest selling, most awarded, and critically acclaimed games for 2006 has been established.
NateBest - 3/12/2007

300 found box office glory beyond all expectations and raked in an estimated $70 million, shattering the March opening records...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/12/2007

With the recenty success of 300 and Sin City, Frank Miller plans to direct any future adaptations of his work.
CHorlick - 3/12/2007

Signal Fire is in!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/12/2007

Johnny Blaze goes down under!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/12/2007

Standing at #1, atop a mountain of bloodied movie offerings, 300 slaughtered all competing films like a pathetic contingent of filthy Persians...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/11/2007

Warner Bros. has released a new poster image for TMNT, which premieres in theaters on March 23.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/10/2007

We reported yesterday that the NEWEST Spider-Man 3 Trailer shown at the movie "300" was intense, and totally devoted to Venom. Well, thanks to the fans and their video phones, you can see a fuzzy version of it online...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 3/10/2007