News Archive


The Punisher is one of those movies that are always going to do well at the box office, simply because of the underlying themes of a movie that sees an ordinary guy dispensing justice, especially if he has been on the wrong end of it before.
JHill - 8/20/2007

Kristen Bell joins the cast of NBC's Heroes for a multi-episode arc.
PAnthony - 8/20/2007 has reported that a script for a Justice League of America is getting a fast track push from Warner Bros.
CHorlick - 8/20/2007

The SDCC footage is officially going to be online soon and I couldn't be more enthusiastic about it.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 8/19/2007

Transformers to be re-released for IMAX theaters.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 8/18/2007

Check out this Youtube slideshow featuring the previously posted Dark Knight shots plus MORE!!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 8/17/2007

A reliable source sent me these awesome pics just today! Enjoy!
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 8/17/2007

Dangerously curvy Scarlett Johansson will play the femme fatale for Director Frank Miller in Will Eisner's The Spirit.
PAnthony - 8/17/2007

It’s always a worry when the tabloids are a possible source of rumor or speculation for comic book movies, and thankfully IESB have managed to put the kibosh on these rumors emanating from StarPulse magazine.
JHill - 8/16/2007

The comic series that redefined comics as serious literature Watchmen is, as we all know, being made in to a movie. So for fans of the series, you’ll be happy to know that a movie website has finally gone live, care of Warner Bros.
JHill - 8/16/2007

There is a little bit of a stereotype that can be easily attached to many of Hollywood’s greatest stars. It’s a stereotype that suggests that all they can do is act, and even then not very well. But that is not the case for Edward Norton, star of the upcoming Hulk movie.
JHill - 8/16/2007

My campy title aside, this article is packed full of spoilers and rumors and speculation, so if you’re the least bit queasy about unsubstantiated rumors, or you just want to keep yourself a virgin for the film, then don’t take the jump.
JHill - 8/16/2007

Marvel Studios reports they are pitching a live action film for "Doctor Strange."
CHorlick - 8/16/2007

Sci Fi Channel will put the Kristanna Loken actioner Painkiller Jane out of its misery when its 22-episode first season wraps on Sept. 21.
PAnthony - 8/16/2007

In celebration of the TMNT DVD release, Warner Bros. has made it possible for you to have your very own interactive teenage mutant ninja turtle to feed pizza, bathe in nuclear waste and fight evil with...
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 8/15/2007

He’s rumored to be helming the next two big superhero movies focusing on an African-American superhero, and John Singleton has spoken out on who he wants for both of them.
JHill - 8/14/2007

The senators next role in a Batman project will be The Dark Knight.
EarthsMightiestAdmin - 8/14/2007

Influential comics artist (and co-creator of Bart "Impulse" Allen) Mike "Ringo" Wieringo has passed away at age 44.
PAnthony - 8/14/2007

It was only hours ago that I wrote that Matthew Vaughn had been set to helm the Thor mothership, and that he was subsequently fighting Marvel Studios for a decent lead star. Hours later, reports are suggesting that he might have found his man.
JHill - 8/14/2007

Despite the legal controversies over the Marvel family, Shazam/Captain Marvel is definitely one of those feel good DC comic superheroes that has long been a fan favorite. Often in the background, serving the fans of the second stringers, Shazam is soon to be seeing a growth in popularity, if Peter Segal has any say.
JHill - 8/13/2007